
By mouse click or screen touch, hold to strengthen the jump.

Game detail:

Froggy desired to reach the sky for some reason, please try helping him to know why.

Inspired by Jump King, check out this amazing game on Steam.

The file is big and may need to load for a while.

Develop in July 2024, may add new areas, alternative endings and hidden secrets in future updates.

Update Log:

10-Jul-2024 Alpha 1.0

12-Jul-2024 v1.1

-True ending added

-Serval gameplay enhance

13-Jul-2024 v1.2

-"Easy mode" added

-New Ending


Adi Goldstein - Dark Gray

DJ Taz Rashid - Twilight

TURPAK - Dare to Try

idokay - Where Birds Sing

Thank you for playing!